Saturday, 23 June 2012

Time for my last Birthday prize draw!!!


And I think it's a bit of a doozie. First lets have a brief re-cap on what it is that I've already given away in my mammoth birthday giveaway and try through gritted teeth to congratulate those who have won them:

  • At 500 follower's, witht he help of John Nguyen at Dream Pod 9 I gave away all the Heavy Gear Blitz PDF's, which were won by Heid.
  • At 525 followers thanks to the lovely chaps at GCT Studio's I was able to offer up a Bushido Prefecture of Ryu Starter Set and Tenshi. This awesome little prize was won by Bishop.
  • At 550 followers I was able to give away some store credit for some Sarissa Precision goodies, unsurprisingly donated by the guys at Sarissa Precision themselves. This prize was won by Vent.
  • At 575 followers I was able to offer up a Werner Klocke signed copy of the Freebooter's Fate rulebook, thanks obviously to Werner himself, but also the lovely Hendrik at Freebooter's miniatures. This splendid prize was won by Elbrun, I hope it'll cheer him up a bit as he's had it rough of late. Chin up matey.
  • At 625 followers thanks to the wonderfully kind Mike McVey I was able to offer up a copy of the as yet unreleashed Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster board game. Simply. Awesome! The winner of this excellent prize?It was none other than Karitas.
  • At 700 followers it was time to ship out a Blood Maw Vore out of the door, kindly donated by Rob Lane at BaneLegion's. This beast is heading off to the land of leeks, daffodils and singing and will find a new home with Davey.
  • At 750 followers, thanks to the terribly generous Jeff Wilhelm I was able to giveaway $100's worth of Dragon Forge Designs store credit. Splendid! So who won that particular prize only yesterday... well that was PMMDJ. Also if any of you want to keep up with what Jeff is doing at Dragon Forge Designs the best place to do it is via their Facebook page.

That brings me bang smack up to date, with all of this competition malarkey and onto 800 followers plus. So yep, in just over a month I've gone from 442 followers to 819, well actually I hit 816 in under a month but you know, I decided to space things out! That's obviously been very massively aided by the prize draws... I'm not dumb, despite reports to the contrary! So I'd like to say a big thanks to all those companies who have backed this Blog with prizes, not just for this birthday giveaway but also Ax Faction for donating the Victorian Darling Kraken Hunter for my 5000th comment, although it eventually went to the 4999th comment. I'd also like to say thanks to the Foundry for donating my first ever prize. You've all helped me massively reach these figures. Hopefully the quality of my writing and articles keeps people entertained once they get here, but you've helped bring new faces to my site and given me the chance to impress them. Thank you!

But we're not quite done yet. Oh no, I've still got a pretty fantastic prize to giveaway that has been very kindly donated by Ronnie Renton (who I recently interviewed here) of Mantic Games, and signed by Jake Thornton the games designer. I am of course talking about the complete Dwarf Kings Hold bundle of games. Yep Ronnie Renton has very graciously donated not just Dead Rising, but also Green Menace and Ancient Grudge as well. You can read my reviews of all three products here:

I also retrospectively gave Dead Rising an Approved by Cats award and I also revisited my initial thoughts on Dead Rising a few weeks after my initial review. In short I really quite like this series of games, I think Mantic have a good product on their hands, and it's one of those gateway products that I think our hobby needs so desperately to snare youngsters into this terrible addiction of ours. Any way, you'll be wanteing to know how to enter right? Well...

  1. You still need to be a public follower of this Blog. I can't believe so many people fail miserably at this first hurdle. It's rule number 1 people, if you fail this early into the process... well... you don't desrve to win anything!
  2. Next up, and here's the one nobody seems to be having problems with... I think... you need to leave a comment in the comments section below, indicating that you want to win this prize. Simple so far right?
  3. You need to have completed step 1 and step 2 by the 30th of June 2012 by 12:00 PM GMT. Because I'll be drawing the winner at that particular date and time.
  4. This time there is no number 4. No extra entries for spreading the word, I'm done with all that crap. This prize draw is for those of you who actually turn up here on a regular basis and read what I post. This ones for you!

So that's your lot people! Is this likely to be the last ever giveaway I ever do on this Blog? No, probably not. What format future giveaways will take or what prizes they're likely to be I haven't got a clue about yet I'm afraid. I haven't given it that much thought. While it has been really good spreading a bit of the 'free' love around the Internet, I have to say I'm tired with it all now. It's taken over much of the work I've conducted on this Blog for the past month, and has been a fair amount of work... so for now I'm done. Before I go though I just have enough time to tell you that Mantics Kickstarter campaign only has a day to go if you wanted to back it, and it's really rocking now. Peace out!


  1. Not only we can get to read reviews about the stuff like so much (games, minis,...), but we even get to be picked to actually win those same games... glad I found this out!
    Oh, and yes I'd be happy to win that amazing DKH pack!!!

    1. Genuinely I like spreading the love as much as I can. A lot of firms seem willing to send me free stuff to review etc. I'll be honest this sort of makes me feel a bit guilty becuause most of it is awesome. So yeah I like giving others a bit of the love I seem to be getting right now.

    2. I suppose it's a "Win-Win-Win" situation!
      Firms get passionate reviews of their products, you get your hands on new stuff to try (and fill your ranks with followers), and everyone else gets a chance for a free shiny new toy!

      Did I mention I'd be really happy to win that DKH pack?

  2. You know,I have been looking at this with my bro and umming are arghing about it for a while. To win a set would solve any issues(lack of money)that we keep coming accross.

    Please pop my name into the hat my good man. I will pray to the dice gods for luck.


  3. I'd like to partake, if you will.

    Been tempted b this before, and Projecf Pandora more recently. Would appreciate a copy without the hassle of buying one!

  4. Once again another cool prize. I was looking at these at salute and they sparked my interest. Good luck everyone!

  5. Since I found your blog, I really enjoy reading your articles. And I LOVE your coonies. Mine are smaller (only 6 months) but they are great fellows who conquer my working table more often than I like :)

    Oh, I would also like to participate in your "tombola" ;)

  6. Congratulations on the rapid growth! I'd love to win this prize.

  7. An amazing prize, signed too. Put me down please!

  8. I'd like some free stuff please.

  9. Sounds good, count me in please, always enjoy a good dungeon crawl

  10. Hmmm, I was thinking, with three boxes, wouldn't you be able to do three prizes? They are three different games after all - you could spread the love to some more people! ;)

    Anyway, these look interesting, count me in for the draw. :D

    1. According to the reviews the last one (Ancient Grudge) needs one of the first ones to work as its more like an expansion set.

  11. This time too, i'd like to win your price!

  12. Count me in! This would be the perfect compliment to my growing Project Pandora addiction ;)

  13. I made sure that I am following. Pick me!

  14. Congrats to you on reaching your goals for followers, and well done on putting together this fine blog.

    If you'll put my name into the draw, I'd be most grateful.

    Keep up the good work.

  15. I'm in in this one too

  16. Put me in for this please fella.

  17. Put me in the draw for this one.

  18. Once more into the breach s.v.p., please count me in.

  19. Wow you seem to really like to spread all this war gaming joy, good on you.
    Last time I tried to spread happiness about I woke up two days later in Vietnamese jail married to a goat....

  20. I would like to be counted in again for another draw.

    I've never really been interested in Dwarf Hold games.. until now. Kinda liking the look and basis to the game.



    Can me have?

  22. While I like the prize draws, and I like entering them, it's the content I come back for.

  23. Looks shiny - sign me up!

  24. Sign me up for this contest please.

  25. I have been meaning to get these from the beginning, but something else has turned up every time. Now, when they are all out it seems too big a hurdle to pass, even though I know I could get one of them each month for three months...

    Or I could go to plan B and jump up and down, shouting Me! Me! Me! hoping to win this time. So plan B seems more sensible I think :-)

    *jumping up and down*

    Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!


  26. I'd like a chance to win please :)

  27. An amazing prize, signed too. Put me down please!

  28. I would like to enter this one as well. Thanks.

  29. Oh go on then, you've twisted my arm, I'll be in for this one :)

  30. Me me me me me me pick me!

    I mean, I would like to be entered into said raffle, good Sir.
    Pip pip, tally ho.

  31. I'll join in on this one. DKH is one of those games that interested me, but never find it in the local shops around here so tend to forget about it until it gets mentioned again.

  32. You bet your sweet behind I'm in.

  33. Damn you are a generous fellow. Only stuff I would be able to give away is my 1st born and perhaps some Warzone figs I have lying around somewhere....

    Stick me down to enter this comp, puh-lease.

  34. Just got Project Pandora (still sad that the courier threw the box at my door you know how thin they are!) and it would be rude not to get these as well!

    Tell you what If I win cos you're such a swell guy I'll pay the postage... then we can avoid the postage rant again ; P

    Amazing you reached all those miler stones hopefully the comment level remains high after the prizes are gone I am always impressed at your quality of writing then I read mine and despair! But I am competitive and I aim to do better so will will continue to absorb!

  35. What can I say, you got me at Dwarves. They may not go well with the ECW stuff that I recently acquired though, but a long enough pike will make up for a lot of things.

  36. Ok, I've been looking at Mant products for a while.... Please add me to the contest I'm up for it...

  37. Sign me up!

    PS: Your Infinity articles are still some of the best writeups that I link to whenever I hear someone is interested in our local group. Keep up the awesome!

  38. Yes I would like to win this prize.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what else ends up Approved by Cats.

  39. I want to win!

    Keep up the great work!

  40. Put me in ! maybe this time

  41. How strange. I posted earlier and now it's gone. Must be a glitch in the matrix. I will now recreate my former missive:

    Me me me me me, pick me, me me me me!!!!

    I mean, please sign me up for this raffle, dear Sir.
    Pip pip, tally ho!

    (I'm sure now my former post will somehow mysteriously re materialize and it'll look all weird and stuff)

  42. Certainly interested in these.

  43. i would love more mantic stuff to go with the new figs from the kickstarter

  44. For the Dwarven powers, count me in on this!

  45. I'm glad to hear it's going so well. The blog is a fantastic resource. Warmachine could use a little more love though ;-)

  46. Winning these would certainly make my decision of what models I would be keeping and what I would be replacing with new lines a lot easier

  47. I'm a great fan of the blog, thoughtful commentary and unbiased too. Keep up the good work! Oh and pick me please :P

  48. I had planned to pick up these games when I was at GenCon last year, but I ran out of time. I did end up having a good chat to Ronnie (very nice guy), saw an early Forge Father model, and got another free Zombie sprue, so it wasn't a complete loss.

    That said, sign me up for this. I'd love to get these games, and if I can get them for free, all the better. As aruki mentioned above, these would go great with much of the Kickstarter loot. Perhaps it would encourage me to come up with some home rules for including some of the newer models in DKH.

  49. Another great prize that I can't resit from taking a stab at. Please count me in and once again congratulations of your success and the excellent site.

  50. In it to win it.. and told you it wouldn't be hard to hit 1000 followers... though the views is not as promising as you stated in your last article.. let's see how it goes though :)

  51. I for one would love to win this prize.
    Thanks for a great blog, with or without prizes


  52. well with any luck i might be in with a chance this time so, count me in !!

  53. Mine! Mine!Mine!Mine!Mine! :)

  54. Even though I feel mega cheeky as I havent read or commented in a while as been busy with new
    I'd go for that please *hangs head in shame*

  55. Signing in, fingers crossed :)

  56. I'd really love to take part in this. Would be great to have all three games at home!

  57. I love the smell of free stuff in the morning.

  58. Hope to win the lucky draw. A great fan of Mantic here!

  59. I'd love to win this prize. I've been a long time fan of Dungeon Crawls, going back to the early 90s when I first spied Space Hulk. I've been interested in DKH for a while, and think it might be a good game to play with my daughters.

  60. Just checking - Wasn't sure the previous comment (Grim6) was attributed to my account...

  61. I'd like to win. And hell... Either way I seem to have found a decent blog to read on slow workdays! :P

  62. Well to tell the truth, the free give away lead me to your site, but now I believe I have many hours ahead of me looking around your awesome site!

    Please enter me into your drawing

  63. Aye - I'd like a piece of this action... :)

  64. Would be just awesome to win this prize and thanks for the opportunity.

  65. Great prize! Please put my name in :)

  66. alright, I'll bite. Add me to the draw please.
    How can one say no if the Catz approve??!!

    and of course it goes without saying...
    wait.. I guess I did say anyways... hmmmm

  67. Hey, FLG. Congrats with all your birthday success. I hope most of the people you've attracted stick around. I know I will. Sign me up for your last giveaway, please.

  68. A tad late to the party as always - Drop my name in the hat for a chance.
    Cheers FLG, here's to continued growth!

  69. Congrats on all the success! FLG is one of my favorite blogs to read, keep it churning out the great content.

  70. Surprisingly, I'd like to win those prizes. Thanks for your efforts.

  71. Congratulations. I'd like to shamelessly pretend that I read your blog with more regularity than I actually do in the vain hope of winning some plastic crack.


  72. I would Really like to win. Love the reviews.

  73. Grats on the new followers! And yes, of course, I would like to win.

  74. Definitely would love to win this one!! I've been accused of being a Dwarf - mentally and physically !! LOL

  75. Please include me as a candidate for the Dwarf King's Hold bundle. Even without that, I'm glad to have found this blog- already discovered some things I didn't know I needed :)

  76. Please include me in the drawing for Dwarf King's Hold bundle. I am stoked for these games after the awesome Kickstarter for Kings of War. Mantic is my new hero games company. Plus, my actual birthday is the 25th, the next day as of this writing.

    Keep bloggin so we can fill our noggins.

  77. Surely I can win one of these. So please enter me in.

  78. Sign me up for this awesome competition please!

  79. Count me in and keep up the good work, I know have you coming direct to my phone!

  80. I'd love a set. Count me in the draw, duck!

  81. Please sign me up as well!

  82. i've never won anything with random draw or lottery..may be this is the time....

  83. Sounds interesting and looks good.

    Count me in.

  84. Count me in! After the Kickstarter, my Mantic...ness is at an all-time high.

  85. I wanna win. Free stuff and great articles top stuff

  86. I need to win. Dwarf King's Hold looks fantastic.

  87. I would definitely love to win some Dwarf King's Hold!

  88. I'd love to win this - Dwarf's Hold looks great! Thanks.

  89. Would make a great game for the local club - please enter us!

  90. Add my name into the hat as well please. Thanks!

  91. Another awesome prize. Please enter me too.

  92. This comment has been removed by the author.

  93. I'm not versed in blog-following, but I think I've done it correctly. Not sure why it labeled me as "Unknown" above, so I've deleted that post.

    Anyway, I've visited your blog several times to read about Infinity. Good stuff.

    Please enter me in the b-day prize drawing. Dwarf King's Hold would be super-useful, as I and several friends have just jumped into Kings of War with both feet! I was thinking between battles, DKH could be used as a side game in order to retrieve magic items that the armies want to use in the bigger battles. :-)

  94. Please count me in frontline :) btw, we had our first few games of infinity - loving it!

  95. Count me in, I so want to win.

  96. I would love to win this, been looking at Mantic for awhile and there kickstarter won me over.

  97. Like most everyone else - I've been tempted to buy this game for awhile. My ten year old son loves to paint goblins (albeit of the GW variety) and I think he'd love to paint and game Mantic!

  98. Wow, another great comp? Sign me up!

  99. The Mantic Models are cheap, er inexpensive rather. I just picked up a bunch of undead with their Kickstarter campaign and they look awesome.

  100. I would like to win this prize!

  101. Well, I do like winning stuff. And following another blog can't hurt can it?

  102. What a great prize, I would love to win this!

  103. Win. This. Awesome. Thanks!
