Sunday 10 June 2012

Sunday Sermon: Closed for staff training


Today's Sunday Sermon will be a short and sweet one. Why? Because the Frontline Gamer Blog is closed for staff training today. So this brief post is all you'll be getting today, I won't even be responding to comments for a change (I will eventually respond). I'm stepping away for 24 hours! Lets be honest here, how many of us spend far too much time reading about our hobby... or in my case writing about our hobby, and then actually forget they're supposed to 'do' some hobby? I know I have of late. So today I'm in 'staff training'. I'm going to try to remember what the hell it is like to actually paint an army, or do some terrain. I'm going to be doing 'hobby', I'm not too sure what exact 'hobby' I'll be doing today because I've got a lot of stuff to do. However, I need to do some hobby... and so do you. Stop reading my Blog and stop reading other people's Blogs just for one day. They'll still be here when you get back, I promise! Go take a look at that pile of miniatures on your painting table, crack open whatever brand of paints you use and do some painting. Or phone a mate or two and arrange a Sunday afternoon of gaming. Go enjoy yourselves, and try to remember what makes this hobby so much fun for you. I will. Peace out!

PS. Blackbrunswicker, seriously dude? How many times do you want me to inform you that you've won a prize before you claim it? Follow this link here to find out how to claim your free Victorian Darling Kraken Hunter. You'd better hurry though buddy because you have just over 24 hours to claim her, because on the 11th June 2012 at 12:00 PM GMT I will give the prize to somebody else.


  1. BEST POST EVA!!!!11!!

    But seriously, I was just here killing time before friends came over for board games night (gotta easy them in slowly....).

    I have to tell myself this all the time; read less, do more.

    1. I do play games... a lot!!! But, recently it's been on half finished scenery with half painted forces. Or in some cases no paint at all I'm ashamed to admit. However my Sunday off was very productive... articles will be incoming.

    2. Ahhhh, I feel your pain.

      It has been quite a long time since I played with all painted miniatures on a painted board; too much game hopping!

      It is an unfortunate byproduct of playing too many different games, and not having the painting stamina to go along with it.

      Rest assured, the lovely Bushido miniatures that I won will not suffer the same fate!

      (p.s. My lady and 2 other friends have already ordered factions for Bushido, all because I won mine.... GCT got their money back already).

    3. Yeah I'm hoping to get your parcel in the post at somepoint this week, as well as the Freebooter's Fate rulebook and Ax Faction Victorian darling Kraken Hunter. I think I'll be eating old socks this week for dinner!!! :P

  2. I write my blog mainly to give myself incentive to finish stuff. I know, it takes time away from painting, but the pressure to put something finished on the blog usually gets me painting more than otherwise.

    Now, if I just could stop hanging on facebook...

    1. Yeah I tried that but people got a little demanding of my time on a few things so I never really finished any of the projects. This Sunday though I have move 3 major projects much closer to completion.

  3. Nice post.
    Hell, someone is off for the "staff training", someone is enjoying Metalfest :) But a few days off the web are always good..

    And about after a half a year, finally kicked myself to do some FoW germans, because the stage "lying in blisters for a half of year" was a bit depressing.

    Sadly, cannot say that about that awesome big Titan dragon, who lacks wing and two claws :/ Been postpounding that for about a year :/

    1. Well I didn't exactly finish anything yesterday, but I got a lot done and prepped. I think I have an urge to start finishing more of my projects off now. It was good to step away from things for a day and do stuff. I'm quite productive when I put my mind to it.

  4. Perhaps Blackbrunswicker is having a solid week of hobby time... :-D

    1. Maybe, but in about 3 hours time he's going to be gutted!!!

  5. I am definitely guilty of too much reading and not enough doing hobby stuff.....

    1. Did you get anything done yesterday?

    2. It was always a "nice to have" I'm afraid, but I did "landscape" my front garden so it wasn't generally because I was lazy.

      If I'm honest, I could have made time during the football & tennis if I'd been a bit more prepared so a little shame on me.

    3. Yeah I knew the Tennis and footie were on so I got things ready to do while they were on. Also had the bloody F1 to compete with... Go Lewis by the way!!! About bloody time he won a race. It's difficult, life has lots of cool things to distract you from hobby, and the hobby is so demanding of your time. It's why it's not for everyone.

    4. Totally forgot about the F1!

      I managed to do some last night on and off watching a RomCom with the missus, unfortunately as it was my first Finecast (taking part in a painting exchange with other members of a forum I moderate) it was a bit of a PITA and I haven't even got to the GS stage yet :-(

    5. Ah yes Finecast... hmmm... lets leave it there shall we?

      You know we've got the bloody Olympics to contend with don't you shortly too? How the hell am I supposed to fit in hobby time AND watching the women's beach volley ball?

  6. Not just reading, internet browsing in general! :-/
    Go have some fun Frontline!!

    1. I have a confession to make... I read one Blog post from another Blogger while I wanted for some stuff to dry. I might also have got side tracked by Euro 2012, Roland Garros mens final... and the F1. However, I was still shockingly productive. Honestly when I stood back and looked at all I'd done I was a bit shocked I could hammer that much hobby out in a day. I swear if I can get two or three days like that in over the next week or so they'll be a lot of really cool stuff I'll be able to show you all... now that's motivating.

  7. Best of luck hobbying as long as you avoid all the traps of blogs, browsing, games, eyeing up your next purchase etc you'll be fine.

    Personally I always like to see a good bit of terrain so if you do get some done I'd love to see it posted up.

    1. Next purchase isn't a problem for me matey. I'm broke.

    2. Truly a generous man then as if I was brassic I doubt I could give away so many awesome prizes.

    3. Well I've been unemployed and not on any benefits for 12 months now. Just managing to scratch a living because our Government made me redundant during the cuts and then decided I didn't need JSA... Because they're the real scum in our country. Hate them.

  8. I am finding my blog is spurring me on to paint more models and not let 'life' get in the way! Or maybe I should say I am just scratching off the reasons I seem to come up with to not paint some models. I would really love to tackle some custom terrain! Thanks for the great post :)

    1. Yeah, real life can be a right bitch sometimes though. Things often do get in the way of what we really want to be doing with our lives. ironically I have less time for hobby now than I did when I was a research manager.

  9. For me Sundays and Mondays have become something of game days and today is no exception. Heading over to Anders later on to have a game of Dust Warfare and Judge Dredd. I hope you'll have fun on your 24 hours off.

    1. For me it's Friday evenings Saturdays and Sundays that have become regular gaming nights and days. Sometimes the fun spills over into Monday. I'm quite lucky though. Near me theirs good club nights held at various places on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday... and if I fancied going just a little further afield I could attend club days on a Tuesday and Sunday. So getting games in isn't a problem for me. Getting uninterrupted time to sit down and do scenery and painting my minis is the issue I seem to face.

  10. Game of Malifaux on Tuesday, board gaming yesterday afternoon, check.

    Vilthiss, 3 Woldwyrds and a pile of assorted Specialist Games bits with more paint on them than they had at the start of the week, check.

    Come on FG, keep up.

    1. Yeah, yeah!!!

      Trust me being an Internetz cellebritee isn't easy. It's very demanding on my time. That and this week I played way more games than you and yesterday alone I blew your achievements out of the water:

      15 bases sculpted for resin casting for HGB - check
      Constructed two 2' by 2' boards for Bushido - check
      Painted a sizable chunk of my EotBS fleet for Dystopian Wars - check
      Painted a lot more of my NuCoal HGB - check
      Made some hills and scenery for HGB - check

      I actually did some more! Today I'm going to set aside a few hours tonight to carry on with finishing of the Bushido boards (Just need to seal them before painting them) and working a bit more on my NuCoal stuff. Might try to finish some of my HGB scenery off too.

    2. Hah! Very good. I forgot to chip in that I'd even made a blog post this week (, but regardless of that, that's definitely a lot of hobby output compared to mine.

    3. Obviously it's not a competition Fiendil... but if it was I'd win!!! :P

      I'm just glad I got some hobby in yesterday.

  11. Nice post, and indeed something like that is required.
    Just finished a 3 game tournament, then gave a quick 10 minute airbrush tutorial to one of the players so that he can see how easy it is to use.
    Now off to Belgium for work.. :(

    1. Glad you're able to keep your hobby going. It does feel to me at times like the part of the hobby that I really enjoy, the painting and the scenery building is just getting swamped with other things. Games to play, posts to write, job applications to finish, cat sick to clean up... you get the idea. :)

  12. Please tell me yer gonna paint some figs.

    1. I can do better than that I can tell you I painted some figs. I've moved my Dystpian Wars EotBS fleet much closer to completions. I've also got a fair amount of paint onto my HGB NuCoal stuff, AND sculpted my own bases for them up so they'll all be on Hex bases designed by moi and cast by moi. Honestly a very hobby productive day!!!

  13. I agree, you can get the ratio badly wrong. But I also find that the blogosphere is very inspiring for new projects, and to get my own stuff finished and posted: it feels great to get positive feedback one's own efforts.

    1. I think I've had the ration slightly wrong for a few months now. Maybe yesterday was just what I needed. I have things I want to show you guys now, and to do that I have to finish them off.

    2. Well, blogosphere and overall internet lurking is really fine and inspiring, but takes a lot of time and makes you lazy...

    3. Firstly obviously I meant to say ratio... but decided to add an unneeded 'N'.

      As to the Internet, yes it is without a doubt the world biggest time waster, I swear it has probably done just as much to hinder and slow human progress (Youtube I'm looking at you) as it has to advance it. Possibly more.

  14. If only I could paint with a speed other than geological, I may be able to finish a project. As it is, I've needed a week just to get a couple of Carnevale miniatures half-painted, and I'm not even close to being finished :S.

    1. My good man I paint slower than a tortoise going in reverse... I feel your pain!!!

    2. Aye, verily those speed painters can't understand the pain of needing weeks to finish a single miniature :P. Still, from what I read in your comments earlier, you don't appear to do too badly yourself :).

      I must also admit, though, that I'm guilty of not sitting to paint nearly as much as I should with my speed. Lately I've been feeling demotivated to paint alone, and my idea of group painting has met with logistical difficulties, so I haven't been painting much. I still try to sit down at least an hour every day or couple of days, but that's not nearly enough, not at least with the heaps of unpainted miniatures sitting in their cases :S.

    3. Yeah bit so far this week I've hit Wednesday and... nothing!!! Seriously disappointed with myself right now. I know if I sit down I can do it. It's just getting the motivation right now.

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