Friday 6 July 2012

I'm not going to be around for a while


Yep you read that right. For the next fortnight it is highly unlikely I'll be around very much, and if I am it's highly unlikely I'll be coherent or consistent... so no change there then! So if I don't respond to any comments, or bloggers scheduled posts thingy screws up posting stuff, and the articles I have planned to thrill and entertain you aren't posted... I'm sorry. But hey, everyone needs a break once in a while. Right? I have got articles planned to go live while I'm away for the next two weeks or so, so hopefully those will keep you all entertained and happy in my absence. There's not much but I thought that best considering I won't be around to answer questions. Also as I'll most likely not be around for a few weeks I'm taking the ability to post anonymously down, simply because I probably won't be able to fend spam bots off, and I just can't trust the cats to bloody do it. Also while I'm away try to remain cordial and civil to one and other people. Any way I'm off. See you on the other side. Unless I decide not to bother coming back. Peace out!


  1. Have fun and enjoy the break.

    1. Not too sure about enjoying it, but I am currently doped to the 9's on legal drugs. God bless the NHS.
