Saturday, 15 October 2011

Living Card Games

Well they're something a bit different!

This is going to be a pretty brief update today, just a heads up really. I'm not the worlds biggest fan of card games truth be told. Magic the Gathering brings me out in hives, not because it's a bad game as such, but because I just don't like the idea of having to buy all those cards and booster packs. That's a whole different level of gaming addiction I don't want to go near. However, I have in the past played card games with friends, and found them a fun diversion. So I have to say that the so-called 'Living Card Games' from Fantasy Flight Games have intrigued me, games like Call of Cthulu and Game of Thrones. The idea is quite simple, it's a card game with all the cards you'll ever need in the box. Sure there will be expansion sets, but fundamentally they're a game in a box. So rather than dismissing all card games out of hand I've plumped for two of Fantasy Flights latest offerings, Blood Bowl Team Manager and Elder Sign, just to be clear though these aren't Living Card Games, just standalone card games in a box. I shall get round to reviewing them ASAP, and my review of Chaos in the Old World will finally go live in the next day or two, when I get round to uploading pictures to the article and sorting the formatting out. Peace out!


  1. Excellent news, I was curious about these too. Looking forward to the reviews.

  2. You and me both Neil. A few friends played Blood Bowl Team Manager last night and gave overwhelmingly positive feedback... so I'm expecting big things.

  3. I am interested in hearing about Team Manager as a Blood Bowl fan. I have Death Angel and found the rulebook very poor at explaining the game.

  4. @Eriochrome, yeah sadly I had heard that about Death Angel... that's the Space Hulk card game thingy, right? To be honest with you, right now I'm utterly impressed with every Fantasy Flight product I own. Chaos in the Old World is going to get a damn fine review, because it is a damn fine game. I'll aim to have the reviews of these Living card games up by the end of next week guys.

  5.'s SOMETHING Blood Bowl, I guess....

    I got admit, when I first heard about the 'Black Box' (that unfortunately turned out to be Dreadfleet), I thought, 'Blood Bowl, yay!'

    Y'see...I had this theory, cuz they had re-done Space Hulk and released a Blood Bowl videogame....

    Oh, nevermind...going back to my 'grumpy Xenos corner' now...

  6. I have said I don't think we'll see a re-released Blood Bowl until 2013 at the earliest, because it'll be the 25th Anniversary. I've been looking through the Elder Sign and Blood Bowl Team Manager rulebooks and I think they look pretty straight forward games to play. Obviously though that isn't necessarily indicative of the quality of games those rules produce. But hey I'm really looking forward to giving them a go now.

  7. I dont see them doing Blood Bowl in the same was as it can't be a "self contained boardgame with no support" like Space Hulk or deadboringfleet.

    Also, chaos in the old world rocks. I painted mine up and while commenting on it did a sort of mini review

  8. @Vomkrieg, we'll see. A 25th anniversary of one of their best loved games is too good a marketing opportunity for GW to pass up.

    As for Chaos in the Old world, I 100% agree with you. It is really quite an impressive little game and you can really rattle through it quite quickly.

  9. Neither of those are Living Card Games.

  10. @Bailey Bradley, I think we're talking at crossed purposes here but maybe that's my fault as I haven't made things clear, so I'll edit this to do that. I know that Blood Bowl Team Manager and Elder Sign aren't LCG. I think there are only 4 of those, Warhammer Invasion, Call of Cthulu, Game of Thrones and the Lord of the Rings Game... I think. Not too sure if the Star Wars game is going to be an LCG or not, but I seem to remember that it is. Although I could be wrong.

  11. There you go, editied. :)

    The point I was making was that the LCG games had got me to look at card games again, and the fact that everything was in the box, so to speak, that got me looking at them again. It was this that got me to look at Blood Bowl and Elder Sign. Cheers.

  12. Indeed Bailey is quite right, the ones mentioned are all what FFG calls "standalone card games". The living card cames are currently A Game of Thrones, Warhammer Invasion, Call of Cthulhu, Lord of the Rings and the upcoming Star Wars game.

    The difference being that the standalones are just that and while they might get an expansion or two they are not really deck building games. The LCG's on the other hand have monthly expansion packs released and as you collect more cards you can start building all kinds of decks with them.

    I've managed to resist all of the LCG's so far... except for LotR which I think is fantastic! As for the standalones I've got Death Angel and it's a decent game but it's waaaay too long for what you expect (or want) it to be; a short filler.

    I've only heard good things about Team Manager so might will definitely get that, and I might get Elder Sign as well since it's fairly cheap. But the best card game out there is definitely Race for the Galaxy. In my opinion at least. :)

    The next new board game I'm eagerly awaiting (pre-ordered) is Panic Station though. Can't wait for some The Thing-esque paranoia and parasite killing!

  13. Ack! Ninja'd!

    *dies from blowdart sticking out of neck*

  14. Right now it appears as though the Star Wars game is going to be a thin re-theme over top of Lord of the Rings.

  15. @Bailey - I wouldn't put it quite that harshly. Yes, they share some common mechanics (both being co-op card games and all) but there are significant differences as well. Star Wars seems to be a bit of a mix between LotR and Warhammer Invasion and the AI has been beefed up quite a bit from what I've heard (with the Strategy Cards).

    While I'm not sure there's room for another co-op LCG in my collection I'll keep my eye on it nonetheless.

  16. @Martin, sorry about Ninja'ing you. Nothing personal trust me ;)

    I've got the Star Wars LCG on pre-order so I'll let you know what I think of that when I get it. I honesty can't really see myself getting 'into' card games. However, I don't mind having a few of these sorts of game kicking around the house, as a good solid alternative.

  17. Oh you do? That's interesting. I will be awaiting your thoughts on it then. :)

    I'm not either really into the collection part of card games (living or otherwise) but as you say many of them are solid alternatives just as standalone games. And there are some things card games are able to do that board games aren't.

  18. As always Martin I'll let peeps know what I think of it all. ;)

  19. I played the bloodbowl game on friday night with The Cursed and a couple of buddies and i thought the game was AWESOME!
    The teams seemed reallly well balanced and each had their own play style, we tried Wood Elves, Dwarfs,Skaven and Orcs.

    A fantastic way to spend a couple of hours with good friends, I can heartily recommend it to anyone but blood bowl fans will really get a kick out of it.

  20. So I heard Jez. But, as I hear it the reason you might like the game is because you actually won!!! :P Yep the cursed informed me he's no luckier with bloody card games. He sucks at everything.

  21. Win or lose my opinion would be the same you cheeky chappie! Going into the final round which was the bloodbowl finals i was only just in second and a long way from first. I actually thought going in to the final round that second wouldnt be a bad effort, however a judicious use of grey matter and a healthy dose of luck meant i won by just 2 points.
    The Cursed ended up last by 11 points i believe which was amazing when you consider Nick finished joint second on 31 points when he was miles behind!

    Most amusing and entertaining, FFG have nailed the individual teams traits and the cheating mechanic is genius. Top stuff.
    ( oh sorry for changing profiles between posts but it ties in now with other forums etc)

  22. I don't know FG. Blood bowl is a great game, such a great game people spend their money on one team and can then play the game for years and years.

    I don't know if that fits in the great GW business model doctrine. I think Space Hulk is different in that regard, SH never got 20 year leagues going.

  23. Definitely looking forward to your review of Elder Sign. Love Arkham Horror, Just got Mansion of Madness to try out. Elder Sign will be a nice "Trilogy" finale if it's any good. ;)

  24. @Daddy Pig, I was pulling your leg matey ;) If you're up for some review games of Blood Bowl or Elder Sign let me know. They do both look like fun games.

    @Vomkrieg, we'll see.I'd imagine they could quite happily splash release Blood Bowl, re-do the main races and say 'guys, we're only going to sell this stuff for 8 months so get it while you can' and we'd all buy everything we could. I'd get multiple copies of the game itself and as many of the teams etc, as was physically possible just so I didn't miss out. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one with that attitude. GW know that and I think they will do something about it.

    @Jordan, love Arkham Horror, even though I don't own a copy myself... yet! Mansions of Madness is one of the more popular games round these parts. I too am really looking forward to getting to grips with Elder Sign.

  25. @FLG, that sounds great. As someone that has played a LOT of Bloodbowl i was really worried that it may spoil the whole BB experience, however i thought it was great stuff.
    The Elder Sign looks really cool too. I checked out the you tube vid and I was pleasantly suprised.
    I have a week off in November and i should be heading over your way so we will have to hook up then if you cant get over to the club before (other commitments permitting of course)
