Friday, 14 October 2011

Blogger troubles...

Now before I start, I'm having zero problems with blogger as a platform for this here blog. I think it's as complex as I'd want to go, and I think I can do a pretty damn good job with it thank you very much. The fact that I don't is probably more to do with my own technical incompetence, which in case you're wandering is vast! No, recently I've started noticing a bizarre trend. You see I've noticed that the odd one or two followers I've had had left me briefly, only to return a day or two later. Nothing too odd about that you might think. But, it's happened repeatedly now, and always with the same followers. I'm not going to name and shame them, just in case it is a technical problem, because you see... it has happened to me.

 Hmm... but why are there stones in a forest?

I have been following as many blogs as I can. However recently because I added a blog roll to my own site, I've noticed that certain blogs I know for a FACT that I'd followed weren't showing their new stories on it. Intrigued I decided to go look at my blog list to check I hadn't unchecked them. Nope, I hadn't unchecked them, oh no I wasn't following them. Now I know at times I can be pretty damn vacant, but honestly I don't remember 'un-following' any of them... and it has happened multiple times now. So has anyone else spotted this weird glitch? Also, have I offended anyone by unwittingly 'un-following' you and your blog? If so I assure you it wasn't done intentionally, drop me a note below and I'll 're-follow' you, because trust me there will be some I've missed. So should I send for Mulder and Scully? Peace out!


  1. I've run into where a blog will be updated, yet the new posts don't show on my (or anyone's) blog rolls! And then their next post shows up fine. I would complain except, (1) it hasn't happened to me yet & (2) Blogger is free.

  2. It has to do when the google bots have scanned the site most recently. If you go to google reader and then look at "Blogs I am Following" all the blogs you are following will come up. Then hit the refresh button at the top. This will send out the bots to check the current status. Temporary fix but works 9 in 10 times. Plus in google reader you can often see posts that authors have pulled down. I remember a junior author on Dark Future Games once wrote a not so friendly piece specifically at me that got pulled but I still read it in reader.

  3. Yeah, I know all that and I'm not complaining but I know for example, to give you two sites, I was following Angry Lurker and GMorts Chaotica, yet when I got to my list of followed blogs they were no longer listed, along with two or there more I noticed. I've had to re-follow Angry Lurker 3 times now.

  4. Blogger is pretty weird, whenever I post a comment on Porky's Expanse the preiview window pops up with the heading A Gentleman's Ones! Sometimes it happens vice versa too, but only with those two blogs, it's freaky.

    By the way, any reason why my blog's not in your roll on the side there? I am mightily offended ;)

  5. @James S, you see this is the problem!!! You were there!!! I wouldn't give your site an actual plug on my blog and then not put you on the blog roll would I? I've had to re-enter the Quirkworthy blog twice as well. Thing is I can't keep on top of them all so genuinely peeps if you think your blog should be on my blog roll drop your blog address into the comments section below.

  6. I suspect there could be bugs in the following code that are going un-repaired as Blogger prepares to integrate with Google+. It's not entirely clear how that is going to work.

  7. @Eastwood DC, that is indeed very interesting. Well I'm sure it'll be brilliant in the end *rolls eyes* you know getting something else we didn't want or request. :P
