Tuesday, 5 July 2011

OMG!!! JSA TAG inbound

OK those of you who know me will know that I've kinda been waiting for the O-Yoroi TAG for my JSA sectorial force in Infinity. Every month I've waited patiently for the new releases to be announced and although there have been some truly stunning additions I have to be honest and say every month that went by without my samurai mech being released I died a little inside... but no more!!!

Yes I am real, and no you're not dreaming

That glorious picture comes courtesy of the fabulous Studio Giraldez Blog and boy is it very welcome news indeed. I might never take it in my armies, it might be utterly useless in the game but I love the TAG models and I am actually aiming to collect them all and this bad boy is going to be a must own miniature for me. I think we already know what July's miniature of the month will be don't we? You see the reason I was so looking forward to it was the fabulous concept artwork (from Chuck Pires or David Grier as he's known on Deviant Art) and how awesome it looked:

Fear my huge gun and samurai sword arm of Justice!!!

I'm so pleased that the final sculpt looks so close to the original artwork, because it really was one of my favourite pieces of artwork from both the rulebook and Human Sphere book. So utterly excited I think I might explode. Peace out!

Edit: I mistakenly attributed the O-Yoroi concept artwork to Chester Ocampo yesterday, Yasbir on the official Infinity forums put me right!!! Thanks.


  1. I'm sensing a little tag crush there! I'm hoping for sogarat heavy armoured morays next

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  2. The list of next months mini's are on the Infinity forum, they've appeared in some French magazine, sorry I stopped playing attention when I saw the first model on the list was the O-Yoroi because lets face it, nothing is going to be as awesome!!!

  3. This month we will se the kurgat with autocannon.
    And if there is a fckng good out there, in the coming months it might be appearing the raicho, at least there are two or three more tags coming this year (CB said so in a spanish radio program http://ojoaldado.blogspot.com/, look at the program 39).


  4. *head explodes!*

    Glad that he didn't actually mess with us a couple of months back with that white outed picture. :)

    It looks a bit different to how I imagined it (don't get how the pilot is supposed to fit inside) but I'll be getting one for sure!

  5. @Bernohn more TAGs would be super sweet and I too want to see the Raicho even though I don't yet (notice the word YET) collect Combined Army. I love the TAG mini's as it was the TAGs and Remotes that first attracted me to Infinity aesthetically. I love big mecha!!!

    @Martin, which head exploded? lol. I know its awesome isn't it? I too am glad Angel wasn't screwing with us as well. I do get how the pilot is supposed to fit, the two arms you see aren't the pilots arms but the crazy koala deployment system.

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