Tuesday, 5 July 2011

I've joined a Union...

Well sort of, I thought initially about joining various blogging collectives but they were all too restrictive in terms of what I could and couldn't say. Sure I agree hate speech , racism, sexism and down right jackassery should be avoided at all costs because hey we're all human and being openly offensive to someone due to colour, race, gender or creed is just not on in my books... but if I want to say Storm of Magic is a great big steaming pile of poo heaped upon the dung pile that is 8th Edition Fantasy and that the fetid carcass of that systems is only good for burying the grotesquely incompetent Matt Ward in, I should be able too right? Well i guess I just did!!! Guess what I'm going to continue saying what I want to as well and the guys at the collective I've joined actually actively encourage people to speak their mind.

You see what's the point in having a blog if you can't say what you want to say in the way you want to say it? If I want to swear, I'll swear. If I wish to use colourful metaphors that involve rhino's and a lack of KY Jelly, I will and if I want to write about none Games Workshop topics I bloody well will. Trouble is most of the gaming blogging collectives take issue with how I write but more importantly what I write. However the idea of being a part of a network of bloggers is an appealing one, so in steps the International House of Paincakes to make everything hunky dorey again. If you check out their Code of Conduct I think you'll all agree that's far more conducive to my... erm... style of writing. Because, yeah at times I can be 'abrasive' and I've been known to upset people, not deliberately you understand but sometimes by speaking from my heart I can ruffle peoples feathers.

So hopefully the International House of Paincakes is the natural home for my blog and there will be bloggers on their list of bloggers who'll be able to help me and vice versa. You see when I started this blog I did so because people said they actually thought that A) I'd be good at it B) They wanted to hear what I had to say and C) If I actually wrote down my thoughts perhaps they wouldn't have to keep listening to me drone on about things and I could vent online... oh how wrong they were!!! However for me I wanted to start a blog for a few personal reasons, firstly I wanted to write a blog that communicated my love for the hobby and promoted the hobby outside of Games Workshop. However more importantly and secondly I wanted to hear what other gamers thought out there. I wanted to know what you guys, the great unwashed of the internet thought of what I was saying, so please do comment on my blogs, I might not respond right away but I hand on heart I promise to respond when I can and as I want this blog to be more of a dialogue you guys are just as vital to it as any crap I write.

Look even educated Pandas talk!!!

So there you have it. Maybe some people will not like the fact I've joined a collective, maybe some people will think I've joined the wrong collective. I personally think as Trent Reznor once sang my blog is right where it belongs and obviously he was writing about my blog, the entire song makes perfect sense now when put into context!!! Did I mention I'm really modest and humble? So that's it, what will change? Probably feck all except you'll see a nice logo somewhere on my blog once I work out which brand of witchcraft I have to use to get it all to work and that hand on heart will be it, no other changes. Any who to try and keep this interactive, lets have a caption competition, the person to come up with the funniest caption for the Panda photo in this blog gets +500 internet points. Peace out!


  1. Panda quote: " have you seen gw's business plan? And they call us an endangered species!"

  2. Not bad not bad... how about "it would have been better if they'd made their miniatures out of soluble concrete instead of Finecast"

  3. " double 6 iressistable dwellers below! I win" even pandas win at 8th edition

  4. "shhh keep quiet I think that twigs an oniwaban!"

  5. 'No its not a piece of bamboo in my pocket, and yes I am THAT pleased to see you'

  6. "Do panda bears shit in the woods?"
    "Put it this way, we're not standing on a tree".

  7. ^^^^^ PMSL ^^^^^

    Sorry Chris but Jez has just pulled out in front.

  8. I admit defeat that was funny
