No, that's even too pink for me!!! |
Sorry that this Sermon is bit of a late one. But the last few days have been very productive in terms of hobby and writing actually. I've got a fair bit of scenery on the go, got close to finishing some long-term projects off and also managed to crack on with some things I really wanted to do. However, there have been real life issues:
- I've really been suffering quite badly with debilitating headaches again
- I've really fallen behind with responding to everybody's emails. Sorry I'm about 7 days behind on most of them.
- The element on my electric fan assisted oven went kaput and is apparently so old I can't get a replacement part,
So I've been rushing around trying to finish this and that off, while trying to sort out getting a new oven. It's not been the most calming period of the year that's for certain, plus unlike everyone else it seems I have a massive aversion to Christmas.

So I sat down today and looked at three fully completed Sunday Sermons I have got all ready to post up... and I didn't want to post any of them right now. I've completed a Sermon of crowd-funding, but I didn't want to post it up so soon after my whinge about Dreadball, because actually it isn't about Mantic and their Kickstarter campaign. Yet if I published it so soon afterwards I'm sure people would assume it was. True it might touch on some theme's that relate to it, but genuinely it has ended up sprawling far wider than that. So I'm holding off on that one. There's another sermon on etiquette I suppose around other peoples games, and how one should behave, but I re-read that one and I don't think the tone is quite right, but I'm not too sure what the right tone actually is, but I know the tone I've struck isn't it. So that requires some serious thought and reworking. The third one is actually quite depressing, I didn't mean it to be, but after I re-read it, it made me want to top myself, which wasn't quite the effect I was going for. Honest!

So what does this mean for my regular sermon? Well I've been really busy today, and I'm not happy about posting any of my Sermon's that I've got 'done' already posted up today. Plus going oven shopping on a Sunday only a few weekends before Christmas feels like some form of cruel and unusual punishment so I'm drained. So what the hell do I write? As I look at my digital clock it's telling me it's 15:37, I don't have anything profound or interesting to say today about the hobby. There's no deep thoughts, no wise insight, no fire and brimstone... just an urge to sit down and read some rulebooks with a cup of hot cocoa, and maybe if I'm in the mood later on I might build some miniatures while waiting for some wine to mull. So perhaps that's it. Perhaps what I have to say to you all today is that we all have lives outside of the hobby. I know sometimes it doesn't feel like it for some of us (guilty as charged me lord), but we do, and often real life gets in the way of doing fun stuff, and you end up spending money on a cooker that would have been better spent buying Colossal's and some Flames of War stuff to review for you lot...

But that's life. Plus I don't think I'd get away with claiming toy soldiers were more important than hot food during winter. Maybe in summer, but definitely not winter. Things don't always go your way, in fact they hardly ever do, it's just the way of the world. So it's actually quite good that we all have a relaxing and engaging hobby that we can sink our spare time into, to get away from it all. I've often spoke about the geek-life balance thing and how sometime we can get it wrong. Too much life and your hobby suffers, too much geek and your life suffers. I'm not so sure where I'm at with that whole balancing act thing myself right now. I feel sometimes that I don't have enough time to do all the weird hobby stuff I want to get done, and conversely I also really feel like I'm neglecting other aspects of my life right now. So I'm going to tone my level of productivity down a notch or two on my Blog this month, and just use the time to reflect a little, I might even ask for some feedback and comments off of you all. Plus I'm going to wade through the mountain of emails I have in my inbox from you all. Currently it stands at 289. Wish me luck. Peace out!
I was going to mail you later about your ideas on exposure and bussiness models, but it might be better if I wait a bit I think :D
ReplyDeleteBut seriously, take it easy for a bit (on the blog anyway :p) if you feel like that. I'm here for the quality, not the quantity and I can't be alone in that.
Meh... email away. What's one more to the pile? I've got through a fair few of them today already. Hopefully I'll be through tem all by Wednesday at the latest. I've just had a HUGE amount of emails over the last 3 to 4 weeks and I haven't been keeping on top of them as best I could. My own fault really.
DeleteHey, Jody. Why not invite some of your readers to submit their own Sunday sermons? You can get some alternate views, save yourself some effort and broaden your reach.
ReplyDeleteI actually did think about guest articles a while back, I'm still not sure. It might sound odd but I do want to try and keep this blog completely written by me. I'm actually not adverse to working with other people on new websites or doing other things jointly. However, I do want to keep this as my own little space on the Interwebs. If I do change my mind I'll let everyone know... besides, the one article I don't normally have any issues with at all normally are my sermons. It's more of my midweek stuff that's causing me issues. Keeping on top of all the reviews and other things I want to write about.
DeleteThere's only like three other bloggers that can match his word count though!!
DeleteThe trick is to pad out the post with pictures of cats. Pick the right ones and people won't notice the volume of words ;)
DeleteNow, if only that had worked on my high school essays.
@Minitrol that is a consideration.
Delete@Andrew... damn, my secret is out!!!
well everyone needs a "holdfire" moment..... Chill and flex ;)
ReplyDeleteYeah I think I just need to take some deep breaths and try to get some other things in order and sorted. I know I have a few reviews I want to do and I've used / played the products enough to actually write them now. So I'll need to sit down and do them shortly... but I've got more important things I need to take care of first. Hopfully I'll be up and running in no time.
DeleteSounds like Sunday's Sermon is..."Enjoy What You Love".
ReplyDeleteHoly shitballs, we just had a real-life Charlie Brown Christmas!!!
I guess it is, it could also be, just take it easy and learn to slow down and enjoy the finer things in life. Or sometimes shit happens!!! :P
DeleteSorry you aren't feeling well. I actually thought the sermon was pretty good and a reminder to us all to relax and put effort where it is needed. Mulled wine sounds nice.
ReplyDeleteThe mulled wine was good. I'm not supposed to be drinking any alcohol, but mulling wine burns most of the alcohol off right? ;)
DeleteHey FLG. Sorry to be blunt but it might be time for you to take a break from this littel mess we call a community. I'm not sure your back, really back! from your last break. don't fuck yourself up because of us.
ReplyDeleteIf I'm fucking myself up, it's because of me. It's how I am. When I was employed full-time last I actually left my job with over 2 months worth of what we call flex-time (or over time) that went unclaimed. I really enjoy being productive. I am honestly not the sort of person who can sit on my ass for an hour or two just letting life wash over him... hence my headaches I'm sure. I've learned I have to tone it down a bit, but my work rate is still way higher than most people I know. It's just part of who I am I guess.
DeleteDude look after yourself seriously!
ReplyDeleteWe worry!
As does my mother, my partner and most of my friends... but it is me. If I wasn't doing this, wasn't being productive in some way I wouldn't be me. Christ, the last time I had a beach holiday I spent the entire time reading journal articles and writing responses to them. I think I have a screw loose or something. Honestly I'm fine, it's just this past couple of weeks I've been burning my candle at both ends.
DeleteI'm feeling your pain.
ReplyDeleteThings have gotten so bad in out apartment (leaky bathroom, failing power points, incresingly annoying neighbours) that the wife and I have decided to move in with her parents. On the upside, it means we'll be able to save even faster for a deposit on our first house. On the downside, I go from a 20 min walk to work, to a 40+ min bus ride. At least I'll be able to get some reading done.
Now, back to packing.
Yeah, life sometimes just gets in the way! Having bad neighbours is a terrible thing. I once had to put up with some awful neighbours when I was first starting out. Nearly drove me insane.
DeleteI was wondering why an oven element is so crucial at this time of year aand then I read it: winter.
ReplyDeleteThen I remembered you're balls deep in winter. Sucks.
Know how you feel though. This is my second summer in a row that I have managed to wreck my body in a way that means I can't do many fun things that I would normally like to do during summer. This time however, I've even wrecked it in a way that seriously hinders my ability to do hobby things either. Poos all round.
Well that just sucks Alphz. Hope it's nothing too serious and if it is you get over it soon and without complications. You have my best wishes.
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