Thursday, 10 May 2012

Tentacle Gruntz


Right, that title should certainly get SinSynn's attention at least! It's not quite as dirty as you think though... OK... about 50% of the article is about a potential product that is exactly as dirty as you think it is! On Wednesday I did a quick article on GCT Studio's Bushido Ito Clan Indiegogo campaign, try saying that ten times fast while rubbing your belly and patting your head. Any who I asked people to let me know if there were any other projects out there in Indiegogo / Kickstarter land that might be worth funding or me promoting. Well a few of you have been in contact to let me know about a few projects. Firstly thanks for getting in touch with me. Secondly this Blog is about wargaming, board gaming and at a push card games, I deliberately try and keep it focused to those sorts of associated activity, and so I won't be covering computer games unless there's a damn good reason... and even then I'll be reluctant. I'm sure there are plenty of worthy computer game products seeking crowd funding but this isn't the Blog to promote them.

However, there are two projects that cropped up that I'd already heard about and thought I'd share with you guys and see what you think of them both. First up is an Indiegogo campaign for 15mm sci-fi game Gruntz. I haven't yet covered Gruntz on my Blog so you should definitely check this website out. Long and short of it is that Gruntz is a ruleset that lets you create your own armies from unit generator tools, and is pretty nifty. You can use whatever minitures you like from whatever companies you like. I'll be covering it shortly as a product along with a few other products in an article covering 15mm sci-fi gaming in general. So what is this project all about? I'll let Robin Fitton explain it to you...

So there you have it. It seems like a thoroughly wise idea if you ask me, plus if you're into your Gruntz then reality is you almost certainly need this piece of software to help you create your units and write your lists. So if you're a Gruntz player then this might be something you'd want to fund, if not but 15mm sci-fi gaming has interested you in the past then some of the offers with the rules might be worth checking out! They're not trying to hit a huge target, so I guess they'll hit it pretty easily if people get behind it. I mean with 33 days still to go they're on $1,905 of a $2,222 goal, if they don't smash through that target I'll be exceedingly shocked!!!

Next up we do actually have a Kickstarter campaign that probably is a dirty as the title above suggests! Yep those anime loving guys over at Soda Pop Miniatures have decided to whip out their tentacles and get all softcore hetai on our asses... well actually Japanese female undergraduates, what else did you expect from them? It's a simple card game for 3 players and involve some B-Movie plot about an all girls university in Japan and tentacle wielding aliens, it's called Tentacle Bento. Well any who here's their promo video for you to peruse...

So as you can see it's a sugary sweet, authentic anime looking game with lots of 'fan service' and cute anime girls with unfeasibly large... erm... assets. I like me a good simple card game and I like them to not be too serious if I can. Don't get me wrong card games can be in-depth as any other game, but I personally play card games just for laughs and to pass the time in an amusing way. So I have to say that Tentacle Bento's knowing nod to a weird part of Japanese 'culture' with its tongue (hopefully) placed firmly in its cheek and not anywhere else, just seems right up my street. Any who here are some pictures of super cute anime girls and the odd creeping tentacle...

Right, well I guess if you want to see more tentacle on girl action you'll just have to fund their Kickstarter campaign won't you? Within two days of the campaign going live they've raced to $9,960 of their initial $13,000 target. So they look on course to make it, but with these funding programs you can honestly never really tell. Sometimes they just run out of steam before they get to their target after a huge initial spurt, because people just assume it'll get there in the end. The same is true of the Gruntz army builder, or 'Barracks' as it'll be called if it gets funded, so if you'd like to see either project get finished you may need to part with some cash. It's not like you get nothing for your money though, and depending on the option you choose you can actually get quite a lot for your money. I'd also like to point out that GCT Studios are painfully close to hitting their $15,000 stretch goal and giving everyone an extra free miniature to go with their Ito starter sets, I mean come on, who doesn't want that? Peace out!


  1. Okay, I can't stop laughing at the term 'snatch action.'
    I can't....

    I, uh....need to perform a few of those.

    1. lol. I know the humour is puerile and very juvenile... but it did make me laugh a bit too. ;)

    2. Actually SinSynn thinking about it you should 100% check out Gruntz. I think you'd love it. Seriously, it could be right up your street.

  2. I have to admit I do prefer the sound of noble snatch action to sloppy snatch.

    1. To be honest with you any kind of snatch action sounds OK to me, as long as it's you getting the snatch and not somebody else. Right?

  3. Upon urging from the missus, I've pledged to Tentacle Bento.

    Stop judging me.

    1. Ant I'd never, ever judge you my good man. Your missus though... =P

      See you tomorrow buddy.

  4. Looks like Kickstarter cancelled the Tentacle Bento project after Kotaku raised controversy over it.

    Soda Pop's campaign continues here.

    1. Yeah I saw. I was writing my update article when you were posting this full of righteous indignation!!!
