Thursday, 12 April 2012

24 hours left to enter the Krull giveaway!!!

Soon he shall find a new home!!!

Yep this is the last time I'm going to pimp out the Krull giveaway contest, so if you don't take the opportunity to enter now then I guess you just don't want that badass demon beast thingy at the top of the page... and if that is the case you seriously need your sanity checking. No honestly, you might actually be mad. As always the rules are simple. Just be a public follower of this Blog. No need to comment or re-post this on your Blog, or any other crap I might want to make you do. Just follow this site publicly. Surely that's not too hard is it? If it is you can find out how to follow this Blog here. You can also check out the original interview with Rob Lane here, where he kindly agreed to donate Krull as a prize, terribly nice chap! Any way I'll be drawing someones name randomly out of the hat tomorrow (12:00 GMT 13/4/2012) and I'll post the results up shortly afterwards, so you have until then to get your name in the prize draw. I will then give the winner 1 whole week to contact me to make the necessary arrangements to get Krull to wherever he needs to go... because if you don't claim him he'll fly off somewhere else. Nobody stands Krull up on a date. Peace out!


  1. Replies
    1. Dud if you win two competition in a row it'll look like a fix. Besides according to your Blog your just not that lucky! :P

  2. 24 hrs of being nervous and seeing if my painting schedule is about to get a massive kick in the pants while this takes over ;) Fingers crossed anyways :)

    1. It's like Christmas... except currently 417 people will be gutted and 1 person is going to be rightly chufffed to bits.

  3. KRULL! He's so dead killy, I hope I win.

    1. The only bummer is that I can't win. I've obviously taken my own name out of the hat. So some lucky swine will get to win £100's worth of awesome while I have to smile as I give it away. Not fair I tell you!!! :(

  4. I hope its the dude in the picture and not that naff film from the early 80's...

    1. To be fair though, one would have to laugh if a VHS did arrive in the mail one day after you 'won'.

    2. I have to be honest and say I'd be lying if the thought hadn't crossed my mind. But I thought better of it, as quite frankly if someone did that to me I'd find them and then kill them... probably with a spoon!!!

  5. :Happy dance: Can't wait to see if I win!

    1. What will be really gutting is if the person who wins isn't that bothered. There's been so many people who are clearly desperate to win this beast that I kinda hope the name out of the hat is one of those people. If it's somebody who goes 'whatever' I might have to rethink my whole prize draw strategy!

    2. I can't imagine anyone could just shrug off the mighty beast with a 'whatever' I know I wouldn't be able to at least though he would force his way to the top of the painting heap.

    3. Trust me... in this hobby buddy you never know. Some people are completely weird buggers who just don't like the same thing as the majority of us. It's one of the things that makes our hobby so cool if I'm honest.

  6. I liked that film. Crap yes but i liked it :)

    1. Man it was utter wank! lol.

      I watched it as a kid, weird sci-fi fantasy mash up crap that it was.I'm not going to say it was awful... because it was worse than that. Still as a kid the spinny throwing weapony blady thing was cool!!!

  7. It's a shame I never win anything LoL!

    1. Well I've just completed the draw... sorry... like me you haven't won. The article will be up in about 10 minis so you can all see who the winner is and send them them abusive messages and sulk!!!

  8. Hopefully this bad boy is open to us slackers in the USA!

    1. The prize was open to anyone and everyone. And as I understand it Rob was willing to ship it to whoever won it, wherever they are based. The eventual winner was Jordan, although they've not got in touch with me to confirm their address or anything yet. They have one week to do that and if they don't... then I'll draw another name out of the hat.
