Well as I'm now well and truly over 100 blogs (and counting) into my blogging career, I think there needs to be a little bit of house keeping. As many of you may have noticed my spelling is at times utterly atrocious. This is because my brain is defective and I have daily sex... erm I mean dyslexia. So I'm going back through articles and making sure the spelling and grammar mistakes are at a minimum, look some will still slip through because quite frankly my brain has made it its life's mission to humiliate me in pubic... oh God there it goes again, 'public' at every possible turn. Why am I doing this pointless task I hear you cry? Well for some reason people are still reading some of my very early blogs, God only knows why as my latest stuff is way better, and cooler and is proven to improve your sex life (warning claim can not be verified), but I guess you can't beat the classics.
I'm also thinking of updating all my reviews with the extra sections I took out originally, so for games I would be adding a 'gameplay section', miniatures will now have a 'character' section and finally I'd be adding a 'usefulness' section to the reviews of accessories etc. Theses new section's won't change the overall score of any of the products at all as all these things were originally taken into account, it'll just make the impact on the overall score clearer and provide more information to people about whether or not it's the right purchase for them. Part of this reappraisal and blog shake up happened a little while back with the development of the 'Approved by Cats' award, which has proven popular... mainly amongst cats!!! So I thought it best as people seem to be using this blog as a bit of a 'reviews resource' to clean a few things up and make the blog a little bit more useful to those who use it like this.
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One for the ladies!!! |
You see I know a fair few people think that while the content is good (OK one of you thinks the content is good - thanks mom) you all think the look of my damn blog is utterly dire... and some of you take great delight in telling me so every bloody day!!! I get it I suck at art and stuff Jeez give me a break will you. I personally wouldn't go as far as to say my blog looks shit, but I think it could do with a little bit of a pick me up and make over! So over the next few days or so you'll probably see weird backgrounds or potential banners etc. pop up. Please bare with me as I'm just fiddling with things. All of that will probably take a few days (or as I'm a Luddite weeks) to complete alone so I'll probably not be putting up many new blogs, if any for a while. Hopefully though afterwards my blog won't offend your eyes quite as much... although I'm sorry guys the pink and purple theme is probably here to stay. Peace out!
As a HOTpanda I 100% endorse the pink and purple theme. Looking forward to the changes and reading your interview(s) for the HoP Idol contest. I rolled the dice on this one and could be left out in the cold.
ReplyDeleteI think the style of the site is kind of OK. Yes it's not the most technically accomplished I have seen, but its choice of colour makes it kind of unique amongst all the myriad of black and dark coloured blogs out there, which sometimes do rather too good a job of mirroring the dystopian futures they are writing about.
ReplyDeleteIn any case, its the content which is more important! So, please keep up the entertaining posts :)
Thanks fellas sadly I don't think I can get rid of the pink and purple now. I'm kinda stuck with it, even though it was originally a bloody accident (don't ask). I'll still be writing the same type of articles although some regulars have been harassing me to do some different types of things or cover the games I play in more detail so you'll also see some new types of content also... hey you know what smart phones aren't so bad!!!
ReplyDeleteIt reminds me of my daughter's soccer league. :)
ReplyDeleteWell your daughter's soccer league must be the global epicenter of all that is stylish, fashionable, cool, awesome and pink... did I mention the pink?
ReplyDeleteY'know, I'm always so focused on the excellent writting you and the kittehs do that I never really noticed the trippiness of the background...
ReplyDeleteNow that I do, I find myself kinda.....
Ok I'm back...
Huh, I lost an hour...weird...
Here I was thinking your blog was a carefully staged retro site, designed to look like geo-cities, circa 1998 :D
ReplyDeleteI'm glad you're not changing the pink beehive, it reminds me of being in high school, wide-eyed at everything the internet had to offer. This one time I was looking for anime jpegs and *cough* actually maybe I'd better not tell that one.
@SinSynn... shush!!! The humans don't know its part of my brainwashing plans, you'll give the game away!!! Thanks for the compliment on content.
ReplyDelete@James S, nothing about it was carefully staged I assure you, the pink hexagons were... erm not pink at first, although the site was meant to have a brighter, less grim dark vibe to it all. The hexes will stay although they might get modified slightly and I'm known as the pink looking blog now so there's no fecking chance of me changing that.
That is fancy new logo. I note the lack of any GW games up there.
ReplyDelete@eriochrome, yeah that's me and the GW done for good I think. There are just far superior products out there right now that fit better with my tastes and hobbying needs. Plus as things stand I don't really think the GW deserve my money for what they're putting out there right now.
ReplyDeleteloving the new logo, and proves how old my work computer is!!!
ReplyDelete@Chris, is it one of those computers with the hand crank on the side of it?
ReplyDeleteFrontline Gamer, you need to post an email address somewhere. I've been trying to find a way to invite you over to my new blog without spamming your comments, but I give up. Here it is:
You're a smart fellow, I'd like to get your take on our ideas. :)
@SandWyrm, sorry!!! I'm currently doing a biog page with a contact email, although I have chucked up my email addy on a few articles, its: