Wednesday 6 June 2012

FAO Blackbrunswicker!!!


My good man you posted the 5000th comment on my Blog, on the review for the Ax Faction Victorian Darling Kraken Hunter, and for that you've won yourself yourself... fittingly... an Ax Faction Victorian Darling Kraken Hunter. You see, I also value my commentators and regular old school followers too. I accept that my current prize giveaway follower drive might mean that I'm not rewarding those of you who have stuck by this Blog and have supported me for a long time. I'm hoping this sort of giveaway might rectify all of that, and this is certainly the sort of thing I'll be looking to do in the future. To say thanks to those of you who have been active members of the community we have here. So any way, Mr Blackbrunswicker if you could email me at:

I'll see about getting you your miniature too you ASAP. Peace out!


  1. I would like to see some of the recipients of your prizes submit pictures of said prizes "In Action". Be it painted miniatures or finished terrain to a simple mid-battle picture as your group tries out newly won rules and/or miniatures.

    1. That's not a bad idea. Perhaps I should ask a few of them if they'd mind sending pictures / posting them too me when they're done.


  2. He still hasn't claimed his prize!!! tut tut. If he doesn't want it it goes to the next commenter in the thread... which I believe was Martin... as I don't think I'm eligible. :P

  3. Congratulations - I think you have the right mechanic for4 a prize give away and might use the same with my Blog.


    1. I just thought it might be nice to give something back to those peeps who comment on my Blog and participate because... well, my current prize draws are really all aimed at increasing followers rather than rewarding the people who have motivated me to do what I do. Hopefully I'll start to change this relationship around with future prize draws. Give me a chance to say thanks tot he people who have helped make this Blog what it is.

    2. But more followers = more power (I thought all Gods knew that?)

    3. Yes I realise that, but are they truly followers if they don't read articles, comment and / or participate... hmmm... *sage nod*

      Plus My current prize draws aren't really as altruistic as I'd like. I'm a good guy really and giving away random stuff to people on this Blog for being good eggs just seems like a very British thing to do... and I am British after all.
