Sunday, 4 March 2012

Sunday Sermon: Turning Readers into Followers... help!

Did Jesus have enough followers? If he had more the Romans would've been screwed!

Hello readers and followers... yes there is a difference you see. I have been studiously checking my Google Analytics now for months and months, it's what out of work researchers do! What I've noticed is a very confusing trend. My blog attracts an awful lot of 'unique' visitors. They come and read maybe 7 or 8 of my articles and in some cases significantly more. It's not rare to have somebody read upwards of 15 of my blogs in one sitting, very, very brave souls indeed! Then they sod off. I'm not sure if any of them return, but I'd suggest that my followers actually only make up about 20% to maybe 25% of my overall 'hits' counter on my blog, although they do provide 87% of my comments. Then there are the repeat viewers, or the silent lurkers as I like to call them. These guys and gals (I don't get gender stats off of Google Analytics) are arguably the most frustrating to us bloggers, and to me personally. They come back time and time again to read your various articles, and I'm massively grateful they do, but there's a nagging doubt with these people...

Luca Giordano, 1860's - National Gallery
They turn up and read your stuff, which is great! Not so great is the fact that they don't follow your site, which is some sort of sign that what your doing isn't approved by them in some way! Or that's how I, and others I've spoken to interpret it. They seemingly never comment either, so there are this silent mass of people out there, reading my blog... and I have literally no chuffing idea what they're thinking about it. Fundamentally I'm a very insecure soul. No really I am, although I write this blog for my own reasons, I also write it to entertain, inform and maybe even educate people. So having this rather large bunch of 'customers' shall we say, that I know literally nothing about is a little frustrating. I guess that's the researcher in me coming out. Although I guess I could view the fact that they seem to return as a sign of positive approval I guess. Let me be clear I'm not exactly after more followers for more followers sake. Although it's always nice when someone decides to actually follow your blog! No I want to convert some of this mass of somewhere between 600 to 800 lurkers into followers. But I tell you what, it's proving bloody harder than turning water into wine.

How the hell do I do it? If you are one of these many lurkers that I have at this blog I'd love to hear from you, my email is Is it because setting up a Google Reader or Blogger account is just too much hassle? Or is it that you don't know how? Or is it that you simply don't want to follow my Blog? That's fine if that's the case, I'm just grateful people want to read the stuff I put out there. I mean when I started this Blog with my embarrassingly poor first effort almost a ten months ago now, I would have been ecstatic, if you'd told me ten months down the line I'd have been getting so many people reading what I was producing and so many others commenting. I currently haven't set myself any 'numerical' targets, I just want to make my Blog 'better'. For that I need to get the feedback and input from all these people who visit my little corner of the Internet. So pretty much only having the tacit feedback from those wonderful individuals who have actually commented on my Blog, or joined as a follower is a little frustrating... although obviously I'm grateful to the stalwart souls who have joined and contributed to the Blog. In fact I'm immensely grateful to them and I'll be showing my appreciation as much as I can!

Caravaggio, Taking of Christ, 1602 - National Gallery of Ireland

So I guess rather than a 'sermon' this is more of a plea really. I want to make this Blog better for everyone who reads these pages. If you don't want to follow this Blog that's fine too, but can I ask that you do leave comments and feedback? Even if it's just to let me know that you found an article boring, just tell me why. After all there is absolutely zero point me continuing to expend effort on articles, and doing all the work involved if you don't like them, is there? So I'm asking for all the disenfranchised readers of this Blog to get involved. You know who you are, and you know what it is you like, stand up and be counted. I need the voices from as many people as I can get, negative as well as positive, to make this place better. That is my ultimate aim, to make this place much, much more useful, entertaining, or whatever than it is now. I don't want to sound all corporate, but continuous improvement is important to me as a writer. It's what has driven me thus far in my blogging 'career'. The need to get better and improve at this, whatever 'this' is and the contribution from followers has really helped me focus my efforts. The feedback and comments I've received have helped me tweak my writing style, my articles and this Blog all for the better I feel.

The Pied Piper of Hamlin - Kate Greenaway, from Robert Browning's version of the tale

In terms of increasing followers for increasing followers sake I'm not too sure I'm at that stage yet. Although I certainly know that it is a distinct possibility that I could get like that, I certainly have that sort of 'personality' that might get obsessive about seeing counters and figures going up or down. I know I could probably increase my followers by logging onto to as many Blogs as I can, following them, and then saying 'hey I'm following you, could you follow me?' The really annoying thing about some of those guys is that they say they're following when they're clearly not! They also annoyingly leave links to their Blogs all over your comments pages. Bah, so I'm not going down that route. If I follow your Blog it's because I like what you're doing and have taken something from it. I'd like the same to be true of the people following me. Although conversely if I'm not following your Blog it doesn't necessarily mean I think it's rubbish, I might just not have seen it. I guess if I was in work I could give out more free gifts, like I'm doing with Tribes of Legend, and a few more things I have planned.  Things to maintain my current followers and say thank you to them. This might help grow my followers from the 'readers' of this Blog as well. Trust me, it's something I've seriously considered, and it definitely something I will look to do more of in the future. But, given my employment status I'm highly likely to be limited by the prize draws I can do and there amount. Peace out!


  1. It'll be interesting to see whether or not there's a sudden explosion in the number of followers you get after this article and I find it suprising to hear that there's such a huge number of readers compared to actual followers.

    I think that when I first came across your blog I was probably one of those silent readers but once I'd read through a bit of the content I decided I liked what I saw and should get an account so that I could become a follower. This actually led me to have a look at a lot of the other blogs linked here and become followers of some of those that I liked. In turn, I added the Google blog reader thing to my homepage, I don't like it for reading posts but it is a useful tool for seeing whether any of the blogs I'm following have posted new content. With regards to the Google thing; if someone was to read one of your articles on there, are you able to get stats for this or do they have to be an actual visitor to your site?

    1. I was a little bit shocked too to be honest with you. My Sunday Sermon's are actually really well read so we'll see I guess if there's an explosion of followers. Honestly I doubt it.

      I think what you've described is the way most people become followers of Blogs actually. You find a link, read a few articles and pop back every now and then. It's how I started. However, from google analytics there does appear to be repeat custom from certain times of the day and from certain countries. In the states for instance between Monday to Friday I see what I call the luchtime mexican wave! It appears I have a protracted period of hits in the states that seems to chase lunch time from the east coast to the west.

      I guess people are surfacing the Internet while eating their lunch, In Europe it's when people get home from work that they seem to view my Blog. It's all very fascinating. Also there are national disparities in how people use the Blog. Germans appear to visit pretty much everyday I put something new up. My Spanish readers will come back and read a backlog of Blogs in one sitting. Can you tell I'm a stats geek? lol. As to google reader, no, I don't believe I get those stats at all. But I'm not too bothered as I have a big enough sample I believe to gauge what's popular and what's not, and I understand that in certain parts of the world google reader is the best way for people to read what I write.

    2. Only just found this site when TTGN linked your review of Warpath. Took me a bit to realize you weren't Frontline Gaming, who I've followed for a few months now.

    3. Elladrion, I'm definitely a different site to "Frontline Gaming" and am in no way affiliated or vice versa. I'm glad the TGN's highlighting of my articles brought you here too. They've been pretty good to my Blog over the last few months and have highlighted a fair few of my reviews and stuff.

  2. To be honest, I was one of those silent people. I have tendency to RSS the blogs I read, and completely forget to become a follower, since I don't use the google reader thingy. Does your analytic thing account for that sort of behavior? Hopefully, that's whats going on with most of the people.

    1. Again I don't think Google Analytics picks up people reading the Blog via RSS feeds. Not that its that that bothers me. I guess that's a whole field of behaviour I'm totally in the dark about, so I don't concern myself with it. lol. Nope it's the behaviour I can see that puzzles me. I always glad to see new followers and commentators though because I can then go back to your Blogs etc and read about you and what you're doing in your hobby sand learn more about what people who read my Blog are up to. Just helps me when I'm thinking about my own articles I guess.

  3. Didn't even know how to follow the Blog before I read this, but now that I have, consider yourself duly followed.

    1. Glad to have you onboard finally Heid!!! :P

      You have at least commented on my Blog, which I always appreciate. Thanks.

    2. Uh yeah, call me stupid, but what is a follower, and how do I become one?
      I've never heard of a reader either??? :/
      Never been much of a blog follower before, so I'm not really sure how all this works, but there doesn't seem to be anything on your page I can click on to sign up apart from the facebook/twitter links.

      Oh wait, after looking for about 2 seconds I found the follow button, still not sure what it actually does though. :p

    3. Well obviously you do know what you are doing as you've managed to Follow my Blog all by yourself!!! lol. :p

      Welcome aboard, glad to have you.

  4. I presonally think that you do a grat job with your blog. I was reading it for some time now, i'm following you since I started my own blog(and yours is always an inspiration to me). For me personnaly your blog is a model of how a wargaming/hobby blog should look like. Keep what you're doing!! Cheers. Gamer.

    1. Thanks a lot for the kind words. I'm glad I can be an inspiration to somebody!

  5. It would be interesting to find out the path people took to get to your blog - I came from Quirkworthy after the Deadfleet debacle, and discovered Dwarf Kings Hold - Jake Thornton might just have saved my interest in wargaming (I too identified with the abusive relationship article!). The social web of wargaming blogging seems more incestuous than most (or maybe it's random chance to find one niche in a wider sea).

    1. hehe, the Dreadfleet debacle!!! Yeah I think it's going to live in infamy that game release. Quirkworthy you say? Terribly nice fellow Jake, and very knowledgeable too about our industry. Like you I love the DKH games. Just loads of fun, and I can tell you Project Pandora from the rules I play tested looks like its lots of fun too. I too am interested to see where people first found my Blog from. I have to be honest I tend to find mine while Blog surfing on peoples Blog rolls. I've been thinking of splitting mine in two to help others get more people to their Blogs... actually that's going on the to do list for this week. Cheers.

  6. I like your blog and I use a firefox addon that lets you have your homepage to display a number of different sites in preview then go to them. I have your blog on there so when you update I can see them there, so I follow you that way. I'm not one for commenting unless I feel I have something to say so don't do it very often. Also like Heid I didn't know you could follow a blog.

    1. Yep I've had a number of emails saying people didn't know you could follow Blogs!!! I've also had a fair few tell me that they have a Firefox / Google homepage like you and 'follow' that way. So that's been interesting to learn and helpful. If people do want to know how to follow though top right hand corner of my Blog is a black square box called 'Ghosts without a shell'. In there will be a blue button with 'join this site' on it. Click on that and follow the instructions.

  7. I've always been envious of all the comments you get (I'm lucky if I get 3 on a post). I'll make sure I'm a follower by the way.

    1. Yes, when I first started out it could be a bit disheartening to write what you thought was a really deep thought provoking piece to get 1 comment and that was someone trying to sell people Viagra!!! Still I guess I do get a lot of comments, I'm not 100% sure why that is but I guess it's for these reasons:

      1) I always try to respond to people who take the time and effort to not only read my articles but then comment.
      2) I actively encourage people to comment on my Blog, and I make it clear I'm open to criticism and disagreement as long as it's cordial.
      3) I've never taken a comment down, or altered it because someone disagreed with me. Nor will I ever do that as long as the insults don't start flying about.
      4) I write in a way that I hope encourages debate, I actively ask questions throughout my posts, and don't just say 'what do you think' at the end.

      I guess I can pass those tips on. ;)

      As to your site MiniJunkie, I always keep an eye on what you're up to and have posted a few comments there myself. I'll try to remember to give more feedback from now on!!! Thanks for following. :)

    2. Cool :) yeah I think I follow most of hose suggestions - maybe one problem is most of my posts are "look what I painted" :D

    3. Yeah I'd noticed you pretty much did finished miniature articles. Have you considered doing painting guides or WIP articles? You'll get people commenting on those sorts of article, mainly asking for advice or giving it.

    4. You're too damn busy in real life Jarrett isn't that the main issue? :). I see sometimes you get comments but no reply from you till a month or so later can kill a thread deader than a moa.

  8. Check out statcounter as well. Google Analytics is nice, but Statcounter gives you a different perspective and details. I use both and I'm pretty happy with the information I get.

    I will have to say that followers doesn't always translate into regular readership. I have a ton of followers that picked me up when I was doing a lot more modeling and miniatures writing that don't read as much as they previously did- they dropped off in recent months. I picked up entirely DIFFERENT readers/followers when I added another author.

    If you're REALLY interested, use the search tool to find out how people are finding your site. THAT's a ton of fun.

    1. oooh statcounter. That sounds like something a stats geek like me might like, consider it done! I too am happy with the information I get. It led to me writing this Blog and gettin upwards of 63 emails at last count from 'lurkers'. Seriously, I've thanked you all individually in emails, but I'll say it here...

      Thanks to all those silent readers who have taken the time and effort today to let me know what you think. Both the good and the bad I appreciate it all. It's all really helpful to me and I'm very grateful to you for telling me your thoughts. You've all given me some great ideas.

      Actually, I'd advise every Blogger to do an article like this because I've had some great feedback today that has really spurned me on. As for my readers / followers, yep like you Lo I've got followers who don't read everything, but I'm trying to mix my content up. I've noticed definite patterns in the mix and I've started to appreciate that to keep everyone fully engaged in my Blog I have to do multiple types of writing. I'll be mixing things up further shortly to see how different sorts of articles go. My Maagaan WIP articles for instance have proved way more popular than I thought they would. Go figure!

      Also if you haven't peeps go check out Lo's site, not only does it have her own sage and sane writings on their, but also the positively insane but still strangely sage ramblings of SinSynn. Good stuff!

  9. No that's a new piece of information I did not know. I've never actually checked out my 'mobile' version of this Blog other than to see if stuff display correctly. I wander if there's something I can do my end to remedy that.

    And thanks a lot for the compliments! I hope I continue to write stuff you enjoy reading. :)

  10. I never followed blogs until a friend made one, he told me how to follow and now I follow the blogs I read regularly.
    Though I often look at my bank balance and wonder why I follow you FG then see all the shiny toys and smile

    Keep up the good work

    1. I'm sorry my good man, I know what it is like to have a bank balance that would make Greece look positively flush!!! However, I consider my reviews and all round general hobby enthusiasm my own personal contribution to helping kickstart the global economy... I like to call it the "Toy soldier stimulus package'.

  11. For me I would give up every follower I had for small gang of commenters. A single comment has the ability to make me smile. I appreciate those that stamp my post with their thoughts. Comments seem to be a weird anomaly that has no rhyme or reason as to what causes them. They seem to come in burst that peter off till I'm left alone with my madness. My Blog has been steadily receiving more and more traffic each month yet the amount of comments left are few and far in between. It takes but a fraction of your time to leave a comment or two each day. A single comment is powerful than an atom bomb. In the end the world of blogging is a Bermuda Triangle that will only drive you into a frenzy of space madness.

    1. Yeah I can understand that sentiment. However, from my followers I can see what those sorts of people are up to. Get some inspiration and maybe come up with a few things myself from bouncing off of other peeps Blogs. That way I can try and stay relevant to at least a 'known' proportion of my readers. It's this sort of feedback that I get, that makes my Blog what it is, I read other peoples stuff and then right my own stuff after being inspired or learning something about what's interesting people. That way I write things people actually want to comment on. It is hard work, but it's rewarding when it pays off. Keep at it buddy.

    2. I keep meaning to comment on your site HOTpanda but my family has a vendetta against you, every time I start the baby cries, dog vomits on carpet, wife steps on glass etc the Lore of Donuts moves in mysterious ways.

      Okey dokey heading your way now to comment on the first post I find.

  12. Sigh @ nutty researcher types....
    They're so wacky!
    Not content to 'build it and let them come,' are you?
    Needs moar data.

    1. Shut it you!!!

      Perhaps if you collected moar information your invasion plans for earth would be further along! Any way I've built it, and I'm happy for people t drop in as and when they please... but I'm building up to having more thing on my Blog... and well I wanted to get as much feedback as I can, and I'll be happy to hear more off of people as I continue Blogging!

  13. I don't know how to 'follow' a blog, and since I use several mobile devices and a couple of computers I guess an RSS feed wouldn't help me, whatever the hell an RSS feed is...

    I also don't have an account with any of the options listed in the select profile tab, though I do have a Disqus username, yahoo ID, Facebook account etc so I'm not a total luddite. This puts me off posting as I am either anonymous or too 'nonymous' if I use my name and website URL!

    So don't take it personally if I don't comment too often, I am one of the crowd of lurkers, but I am grateful for your work on this blog and find your opinions interesting.

    C (Knight_of_Infinite_Resignation on Disqus).

    1. I wouldn't consider myself a Luddite either, but when I first started Blogging I found an awful lot of it all bewildering. Not from a technical point of view but actually from a simple 'systems' point of view. An awful lot of things could be made simpler with Blogger and all these social media sites for instance. Thanks for taking the time to let me know what you think though it is appreciated.

  14. I've been a reader and not a follower for a while, but that's only because I don't have my own Blogger... err... blog. I'm also a bit old school and tend to visit sites directly instead of signing up for updates or using RSS aggregation tools. Plus, I find that I visit a site more often if I don't subscribe.

    To be honest, the only reason I became a follower was when you announced the competition last week.

    1. Yep, I know the ToL competition actually brought a few out of the wood work. So that told me that at least some of the 'lurkers' were regular readers because it involves being aware of when the prize is announced on the Blog. I was actually surprised it proved as popular as it did!

    2. Never underestimate the lure of free stuff to a gamer ;)

    3. Indeed I shouldn't!!! Apparently 'free' is the bestest thing in the world... no matter what 'free' it is.

  15. Hmmm. I wonder if most of the silent readers who don't follow actually follow any blogs at all? I know I'm not much for following blogs - I remember the blogs I like and I read blogs for leisure so to be honest I don't much see the point of following them. I check them on my own time. I only follow blogs when I want to show support to an online friend or someone who I think is a particularly valuable voice.

    For example, I only became your follower because I saw you get up Von one day for not following you, and I surmised brilliantly from this that you enjoy having followers. So I followed you to make you happy ;) Does that count?

    1. James going on my own behaviour for Blog following a few years back you might have a point. I'm up to 84 emails from lurkers now. Most of whom say they just don't see the point of following and don't ever have any comments they feel a burning passion to share with the world. That's absolutely fine by me, they've got in touch and let me know what they think of the Blog and that's what I really wanted to know if I'm honest. It's an 'info' thing. Indeed one of the biggest requests was that I put up contact details and more 'info' on the Blog, so I guess I'll be looking to put up some 'pages' soon. And James... yeah that count's.

  16. I only recently found your blog, from a link from TTGN, as was mentioned by Elladrion. I also thought you were somehow linked to Frontline Gaming (that must be kinda annoying for you), but soon realized my error.

    Personally, I don't usually follow blogs, as I check them on a daily basis, in between work and such; it just seems unnecessary. In saying that, I have followed you, but only because you asked so nicely / begged :)

    Onto my thoughts about your blog....

    One word; excellent.

    Since I found your blog, I have been going back and reading all the articles that tickle my fancy, and I'm really impressed by your output. Not only in terms of quality (i.e. well written), but in your honesty. Your strength of character really shines through, and to me, that is worth more than anything else.

    When you do a review, it is even-handed, and you back up your opinions and convictions with logical arguments (exhibit A: Super Dungeon Explore). You aren't bandwagoning or nay-saying; you give your honest opinion, regardless of "public opinion".

    When talk about a something close to your heart, you let it all pour out and infect us all with your enthusiasm. I too am a "gaming polygamist", and am constantly researching and buying into new games and model lines, so it's great to read all your articles on various systems and know that I'm not alone!

    Put it this way: after reading some of your Infinity articles, I spent the majority of the evening reading more info, drooling over minis, and watching tutorial videos. You sold that game so well that they should pay you a commission! It must be said that my lady has been bugging me to get into Infinity, as it suits her tastes more than some of the other games we play (Malifaux, Warmachine, 40K, etc).

    I'll stop the dick riding now, as I'm sure your ego has had enough of a stroke.

    Just know that there are folks out there that are feeling it, regardless of whether they let you know or not.

    And, oh yeah, "keep it real".

    1. No, no I'm fine, please carry on with the compliments!!! I'm told all the time how my ego needs t be bigger... or was it my... no never mind. :P

      It seems a lot of people have recently found my Blog after TTGN have posted links to a number of my reviews. I'm really grateful to them for pimping my Blog for, and in such an effective way.

      I prefer the phrase gaming / faction whore to gaming polygamist, it just sounds more fun that way. ;) I am however a total magpie when it comes to shiny toy soldiers, and my will is very weak where resisting new stuff is concerned.

      As to Infinity, I do love that game, it's not perfect, but it is immense fun. I love the mini's the rules suit me and I think Corvus Belli make sure they take their time getting things right before releasing stuff. I appreciate that. Any way thanks for the kind words and welcome aboard. Please feel free to speak your mind, opinions are always welcome here.

    2. PS. Sharing a similar name with 'Frontline Gaming' could be annoying. But I'm not really too bothered truth be told. Besides our sites look very different and I've already got a 'brand' identity of sorts I guess as the searingly bright pink / purple Blog. There aren't many wargames Blogs this pink!!! lol. I did actually check around a few places to see if there were similar names and I don't think Frontline Gaming cropped up, so perhaps it came after me, who knows? But it's all good. I'm just glad people who eventually find their way to my specific corner of the Internet mostly like what they see and stay for a while.

  17. Its taken me a year of reading blogs before I finally set up a disqus account then a blogger account. I had to warm up to it and realise how I could manage it as I get easily distracted and intimidated by influxes of information. Still getting there but my aim is to get to 52 posts this year and go fro there!

    1. Well if you need any advise or help buddy you know where I am. I've dropped your Blog into my Blog roll, so hopefully you get a few hits from me. I'll link to your review of ToL in my review too.

    2. I honestly appreciate that! Reading someone else comment I was tempted to do my own dreadfleet review but I think it's water under the bridge...i do love that it has it's own section on jakes site. May the infamy live on!

    3. You know me buddy, always glad to help. :)

  18. I find you and your blog both approachable and well reasoned. Some blogs I read come across with the 'nerd elite' mentality, and they tend to be divide the community, where your blog seems to lean more towards building community.

    1. Oooohh, I like that:

      Frontline Gamer building communities of geeks since 2011.

      That could be a tagline. TBH with you one of the reasons I started doing my own Blog is because whether people realise it or not, many of their Blogs are actually off putting.

      I love this hobby and I think it's great and I want to share that with people, so why would I be all elitist and snobby and want to put people off? Makes no sense to me.

      Then there are the adversarial Blogs. The people who think we should all hobby one way or the other way. Don't get me wrong there are things I think are important and I'll say so, but I'm never going to tell anyone how they should spend their cash and their free time... I might be a terrible tease and try and encourage them to do something different BUT I stop short of 'telling' people.

  19. Hey there, I have just become a follower purely because up until now it hadn't actually occurred to me to be one. I have you in my favourites and pop in each day to see whats going on generally.

    I am an avid Warmachine and Hordes player (Press Ganger in waiting) and have really enjoyed your topics on the subject. As a person building a community myself its sometimes hard to see the wood for the trees. Typically I hear/see thoughts on alternate ends of the love/hate spectrum, so it's nice reading posts from someone who is outside the scene presenting rational and reasonable thougghts and reviews.

    I am also reading your blog as a way to keep my toes in the pool (as it were) in all these other games and systems that I dont have time or money available to me to play.

    One thing that I would like to see some more of is your terrain reviews. Your Sarissa review I have reread several times now - I find them informative and terrain is something everyone needs.

    Thanks for all the hard work.

    1. Well as an avid HoMachine player you might be glad to know I'll be covering a few more bits and pieces on that over time. Got an editorial or two planned and possibly some other bits and bobs. Lots of the emails I've had have told me I should up my HoMachine content and join the 'Iron Agenda' blogging network. So I guess that's something to look into. Although I'm not going to write about HoMachine for simply writing about it. I mean there are loads of capable bloggers out there already doing that.

      As for building 'communities' yep I feel your pain, it is hard. Imagine trying to do that in the mid to late 90's against a sea of 40k in it's peak with the slowly dying Battletech... man that was pretty much a thankless task. But just stick at it. At the end of the day gamers just want to have fun, and if you make these other games you are pushing fun, eventually they'll be begging to join in. Trust me no one wants to miss a good party.

      As for terrain reviews... funny you should mention that too. I have a few more terrain reviews lined up, but not the slew I did with the Sarissa Precision stuff, just the odd bits. What I an going to do though is to write a Sunday Sermon about it and maybe do a bit on building terrain / painting stuff up. I'm currently a sad panda about not really having suitable terrain for all my various games so I'm going to be tackling that! And thanks for the kind words again.

  20. Just like Thras, smartphone is how I get a chance to do most of my surfing, the work schedule for the factory I work at doesn't offer much time to do anything besides sleep and work. This makes regularly following blogs or taking the time to make an account difficult.

    Of course though that's no excuse, I just have to get myself in gear and set something up here soon. Mobile sitesfill the need, but mobile surfing definetly isn't the end-all-be-all.

  21. I tend to use the blogger follow tool merely as a way of promoting my blog. To be honest I do all my following via RSS feeds and don't use the feed from within blogger and I've been doing this for longer than I've had a blogger account.

    I think there is an issue with the follow system its not as private as using as RSS feed. Some people don't want the world to know what websites they are following.

    Quarter of a million hits and lots of comments is not something to worry about :)

    1. Yeah, a lot of people seem to use blogger follow that way. I also see it as another way to promote peoples Blogs too. I know for instance that their are plenty of people out there who sift through followers sections to find new Blogs. I've also had some really interesting emails off of people explaining to me that they really can't be 'seen' to be following the Blog. lol. I understand that too I really do. I'm cool with people reading my stuff however they can, I just wanted to let people know really I'm interested in hearing everyone's thoughts... and thankfully I've had an awful lot of great feedback. So I'm a very happy bunny =:)

  22. Yep, I've had a quick fiddled with the smartphone version of the Blog. As I'd kind of expected it's a really stripped down version of the Blog. As to be expected I guess. None of the links and or gadgets are around on there. So now having checked what browser people are using I think I can see a large proprtion of my potential lurkers are possibly using iPhones and a fair few are using Android devices. Really interesting for me that is. Also genuinely don't worry about signing up and following the Blog. I was just wanting to hear from people who I don't normally and see what they thought of the Blog etc. I use the followers function as a way of Blog surfing what people follow, whats new etc. Gives an idea of what people are up to out there and keeps me from being in an isolated bubble. Cheers for reading and taking the time to respond though matey.

  23. The vast majority of my earliest comments on your blog are all from my Smart phone as I was never near a computer!

  24. No problem at all FLG, I've not spent much time reading blogs, in fact I generally avoided them because as mentioned in these comments, many blogs seemed to be of a "nerd elitist" attitude. I have really enjoyed your articles, and have found the reviews helpful. The "games that currently intrigue me" have really broadened my view of the wargaming hobby... as well as my shiny toy soldier collection... o.o

    I've thought about making my own blog, to try and engage in some more hobby talk, share my own experiences and maybe get motivated to do some painting for once! However I dont know the first thing about blogging. hahaha

  25. Yeah... sorry... reading my Blog does seem to increase people's shiny toy soldier collection. And for that... I'm not the least bit sorry!!! :P You love it really. Having said all that though, I am sorry for what it does to your bank balance!

    As to Blogging, give it go. It might not be for you, but it might. As far as I'm concerned the more people out there Blogging about our hobby, the more chance there will be that someone will stumble across our great hobby while surfing the Interweb and get hooked! :)

    Honestly I didn't know a damn thing about Blogging when I first started out, I was just bullied by a few friends into starting one. And hear I am nearly 10 months on and I still don't know a bloody thing about it!!! lol. However, if yo do want to give it a go and want any help I'll always do my best to offer sound advice. You can contact me at the email address below:

  26. What's most impressive is that you've pulled such an accomplished blog together in such a short period of time. Your consistent effort and quality of writing are to blame!

    We read almost exclusively through reader, only popping out of that and visiting sites to comment or read articles which aren't available in their entirety through RSS.

    Keep up the good work!
